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Site Map... LSU Genomics Core

Open Access Navigation Bars

  1. Home
  2. Core Facts & Links
  3. Workshops & Tutorials for Genomics
  4. Services
  5. Science Aid Center
  6. Biosci-Booked (Genomics)
  7. Contact Us
  8. Login

Restricted Access Navigation Bars

  1. Personal Information
  2. Request Form
  3. Submission History
  4. Logoff

The information below highlights the main offerings of each page; in general, the various links and buttons on each page are not noted.

Open Access Navigation Bars


  • Description of client-base.
  • Helpful Tidbits.
  • Maps to Core & LSU campus.
  • Links: Core Reviews, myLSU, Biological Sciences, & LSU.

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Core Facts & Links

  • Who has access to Website vs. Core.
  • How to begin using the Core.
  • Available equipment and services.
  • Common Room resources for Biological Sciences.
  • Suggestions, compliments, or complaints.

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Workshops & Tutorials for Genomics

    Explanation of Workshops/Tutorials
  • Who can attend the sessions?
  • How do I register for a session?
  • Who is currently registered?
  • Workshop vs. Tutorial... what's the difference?
  • In-House vs. Vendor?
  • 'Hands-On' vs. Observer?
  • When are the sessions?
  • Are the sessions 'free'?
  • What topics are available?
  • How do I suggest topics?
  • Self-paced online resources?

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  • Customer profile.
  • Bookkeeping.
  • Information.
    • List of website resources (with links).
    • Staff: consultation & responsibilities.
  • BioSci Thrift Store.
  • Reagents & Supplies.
    • Items Typically Stocked.
    • Online Submission Request.
  • ABI 3130xl ... DNA Sequencing & Fragment Analysis.
    • Service Levels
      • DNA Sanger-Sequencing options: Electrophoresis-only vs. Full-Service.
      • DNA Sequencing requirements & documents.
      • Fragment Analysis.
    • Preparing Samples.
      • Reagents.
      • DNA Sequencing.
      • Fragment Analysis.
      • Positive controls.
      • Sample Layout.
      • Sample Clean-up.
      • Blank wells.
      • Short DNA Fragments?
    • Online Submission Request.
    • Physical Submission of Samples.
      • Plates or Tubes?
      • Sample preparation.
      • Delivery site.
    • Suggestions.
      • Sequencing Problems?
      • Sample Clean-up.
      • Sealing plates.
      • Coordinating activities.
    • Turnaround Time.
    • Data Analysis.
      • Lies, Damn Lies, and 'Seq-Files'.
      • Genomics Core Software.
      • Result formats (with links to software).
  • Illumina... QC for Illumina-based NGS libraries.
    • Illumina-related Services.
    • Illumina Run times.
    • General NGS Recommendations.
  • Reservation-Required Equipment.
    • ABI ViiA·7 and QuantStudio·6 (qPCR).
    • Veriti thermal cycler (standard PCR).
    • SpeedVac (Savant SPD1010).
    • Diagenode Bioruptor NGS.
    • Typhoon 8600 Variable Mode Imager.
    • Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810R.
    • Victor3 Multilabel Counter.

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Science Aid Center

  • Genomics Core SACK's.
    • Website.
    • Core.
  • DNA Sequencing SACK's.
    • Public(ation) embarrassment.
    • Miscellaneous.
    • Template.
    • Primer.
    • Buffer.
    • BigDye.
    • Sequencing reaction.
    • Post-sequencing reaction.
    • Submitting samples.
    • Data analysis.
  • Beyond 'Old School' Science SACK's.
    • The Dark Side.
    • Gel electrophoresis.
    • PCR.
  • Portal to ABI 3130xl SACK's.
    • Disclaimers regarding 3130xl SACK's.
    • ABI 3130xl maintenance.
    • ABI 3130xl manual controls.
    • POP-7 longevity.
    • Minimizing POP7 consumption.
    • Capillary Array longevity.
    • 3130xl Operation Tips.
  • Links
    • Software, qPCR, Technical info, & Training.
    • Documents for Equipment & Protocols.
    • Contact Us

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Biosci-Booked (Genomics)

  • Link to instrument reservation system
    (Biosci-Booked, Genomics).
  • Descriptions of available Reservation-Required instruments.
    • Client PC Workstation (genomics software)
    • ABI ViiA·7 and QuantStudio·6 (qPCR)
    • SPD1010 SpeedVac
    • Qubit 4.0 (fluorometer)
    • Diagenode Bioruptor NGS
    • Typhoon 8600 Variable Mode Imager
    • Veriti thermal cycler (standard PCR)

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Contact Us

  • Core Email link
  • Core Reviews
  • Contact Information
    • Address & email.
    • Director, Dr. Mark Batzer.
      • Link to Batzer website.
    • Personnel listing.
      • Molecular Toolboxes.
      • Education.
      • Selected Publications.
  • Faculty oversight.

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  • Login to restricted portion of website.
    • Username.
    • Password.
  • Link to request a login ID.

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Restricted Access Navigation Bars
(i.e., available after Login)

Personal Information

  • Update personal information.
  • Link to change Password.

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Request Form

  • Sample submission form (3130xl).
    • Link to Excel template (sample names).
    • Links to DNA Sequencing issues
      (a.k.a., Science Aid Center).
  • Supply/Reagent request (i.e., routed by button).
  • Service request (i.e., routed by button).

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Submission History

  • View status of submissions.
  • Download results.

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  • Link to login again.

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