DNA image narrow


Reservable Instruments

• Client PC Workstation – genomics software

• QuantStudio·6 – qPCR

• SPD1010 SpeedVac

• Qubit 4.0 – fluorometer

• Diagenode Bioruptor NGS

• Typhoon 8600 Variable Mode Imager

• Veriti thermal cycler – standard PCR

Read: Suspension of Self-Service.

Biosci-Booked (Genomics)

Restricted Access

  • See Notes at right regarding 'registration'.
  • All slots will be "restricted" unless you have been added to the Genomics User Group in Biosci-Booked (i.e., 'registered').
  • Instructions

  • ADVANCE reservations are required... No Exceptions!.
  • Log-in to Biosci-Booked (Genomics) using myLSU credentials.
  • If necessary, select the Resource Group, Genomics.
  • Reserve only the required time frame for desired resource.
  • Delete a reservation ASAP if you decide not to use it.
  • Set 'preferences' in Biosci-Booked for reservation notifications.
  • General Restrictions:

  • Core may be locked outside ~8:30-4:30 (Mon-Fri).
  • Core is closed on weekends & holidays for LSU staff.
  • We do not provide keys to the Core.
  • Cameras monitor activity in the Core.
  • For unusual circumstances, extended hours might be provided.
  • If Core is not officially open & staffed, instrument usage is strongly discouraged and is at Client's financial risk!

  • Client PC Workstation

    Client computer station

    Advance Reservations, made through the Biosci-Booked (Genomics), are required for use of this computational resource (Computer-Workstation.jpg) in the Genomics Core. The computer has a variety of genomics-related software (see List) with associated User Guides, as well as standard Microsoft Office software. For descriptions of some of the ABI software, please see Data Analysis on the 'Services' page for the ABI 3130xl platform. Suggestions for additional 'genomics' software are welcome.

    The Client PC Workstation is accessible strictly through LSU's network; contact the Core to obtain the computer name required to make a Remote Desktop connection. Clients must adhere strictly to the schedule in Biosci-Booked (Genomics); otherwise, analyses might be lost when they log in while someone else is already using the computer. When accessing this resource from off-campus, your computer must have the LSU-approved VPN installed and connected. Finally, clients must log on to the computer with their LSU credentials; however, such logins do not count against their allotment of "5 LSU PC registrations".
      Applied Biosystems (ABI) software
    • Protein Thermal Shift (PTS), v1.4
    • GeneMapper, v5
    • PeakScanner, v2
    • Primer Express, v3.0.1
    • QuantStudio qPCR, v1.3
    • Sequence Analysis, v6
    • Sequence Scanner, v2
    • SeqScape, v3
    • Variant Reporter, v2

    • Agilent software
    • Bioanalyzer, vB.02.10

    • DNASTAR Lasergene software (2001)
    • Editseq, v5
    • Megalign, v5
    • PrimerSelect, v5
    • Protean, v5
    • SeqMan, v5

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    QuantStudio·6 (qPCR)

    ABI QuantStudio-6, qPCR

    This instrument is a complete, real-time PCR system that detects and quantitates nucleic acid sequences.

    Primers and probes can be automatically designed with Primer Express® software. In addition to the Quick Guides and the complete User Manuals on our website, you can visit the ThermoFisher website to listen to webinars regarding qPCR and our instrument.

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    SPD1010 SpeedVac

    SpeedVac SPD1010 The Thermo Savant SPD1010 SpeedVac is a high capacity instrument for efficient processing of large batches of DNA or RNA samples. We have rotors for 1.5 ml microtubes and for 96-well plates. Typical applications include concentrating DNA extractions and removing low concentrations of non-agressive organic solvents (methanol, ethanol, acetonitrile) from samples. Faster drying can be achieved by setting the temperature to 65oC, and the drying chamber’s automatic bleeder valve prevents sample loss when stopping the rotor.

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    Qubit 4.0 (fluorometer)

    Qubit 4.0 fluorometer The Qubit 4.0 can be used to quantify dsDNA, ssDNA, RNA, and proteins. This instrument can also be used to assess RNA integrity. All Qubit assays require 1-20 ul of sample, resulting in the quantitation ranges shown with each kit. Samples are analyzed using Axygen 0.5-ml tubes (PCR-05-C, thin-wall, clear). For further information, please see Qubit 4.0 on the Core's Facts & Links webpage.

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    Diagenode Bioruptor NGS

    Diagenode_Bioruptor_NGS Prior to each use of this 'Reservation-Required' instrument, clients must ask the Genomics Core staff to prepare the system for operation. Staff will also provide instructions for operation of the Bioruptor, guidance on sonication profiles, and empty the system after use.

    To retain the integrity of DNA, Diagenode’s Bioruptor® NGS uses a gentle method of sonication and a chilled water bath to generate indirect sonication waves. As a result, the Bioruptor® produces better and more consistent results than are achieved with harsher sonication methods. Up to 12 closed tubes can be sonicated in parallel and the continuous rotation of tubes allows even distribution of the energy for efficient sonication.

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    Typhoon 8600 Variable Mode Imager

    Typhoon Variable Mode Imager The Typhoon™ 8600 Variable Mode Imager is capable of fluorescence and storage phosphor (chemiluminescence detection can be an option under certain circumstances) detection of gels and blots. The Typhoon can scan storage phosphor screens (mounted or unmounted), gels and blots (≤35 × 43 cm). Images can be manipulated with ImageQuant™ Image Analysis Software; alternatively, users can change the file extension (i.e., *.gel) to "*.tif" and import the image into other software such as Adobe Photoshop.

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    Veriti thermal cycler

    Veriti thermocycler This ABI thermal cycler performs standard PCR, including temperature gradients, and it is protected from brief power outages by an APC backup power supply. Normally, all other thermocyclers in the Genomics Core are reserved solely for use by the Core or members of the Batzer lab; however, you may request permission to use the other thermocyclers if you can plead extenuating circumstances.

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