DNA image narrow


Demo: Request Form Options

• Reimbursement Value Equivalents (RVEs)

• DNA Fragment Analysis

• DNA Sanger-Sequencing

• Reagents & Supplies

• Services & BioSci Tool Library

• BioSci Thrift Store

Mask Policy (Fall 2023): If you are feeling ill (e.g., Common cold, Flu, Covid-19), please wear a mask if planning to be in the Core for more than a few minutes. A mask is not needed if you are simply depositing your samples in the A628 Mini-fridge (by sink).

Reimbursement Value Equivalents

Clients are responsible only for what it actually cost the Genomics Core to buy the necessary reagents, kits and supplies.  Listed RVEs ( Reimbursement Value Equivalents) are current as of the end of the prior quarter; RVEs for NGS services are listed as "Inquire" because they involve complex workflows.

Reimbursement Value Equivalents

DNA Fragment Analysis (FA)

Core guidelines and requirements are outlined at
DNA Fragment Analysis Services.

Fully or Partially-prepared FA Samples

1) Sample type: completed reactions for DNA Fragment Analysis.
2) Format: strip-tubes or 96-well plates (non-skirted, if ≤80 rxns).
3) Extra Services?: As described at the above link, options exist for having the Core dilute and aliquot the client's completed reactions as well as add the FA size-standard.

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DNA Sanger-Sequencing

Core guidelines and requirements are outlined at
DNA Sanger-Sequencing Services.

Option 1: Electrophoresis Only

1) Sample type: completed reactions for DNA sequencing.
2) Format: strip-tubes or 96-well plates (non-skirted, if ≤80 rxns).
3) Reactions: 1-96.

Option 2: Templates (Standard Pricing)

1) Sample type: templates + primers (full service sequencing).
2) Format: strip-tubes or non-skirted 96-well plates.
3) Reactions: 1-46.

Option 3: Templates (Bulk Discount)

1) Sample type: templates + primers (full service sequencing).
2) Format: 96-well plates (non-skirted, if ≤80 rxns).
3) Reactions: minimum of 47 sequencing reactions.

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Reagents & Supplies

Products for Sanger-Sequencing, Real-Time PCR, & standard PCR.
Special Orders are welcome.

Reagents & Supplies

Services & BioSci Tool Library

Consulting, Loan Items, NGS; Bioanalyzer; BluePippin, Qubit, E-gel, DNA Purification & Size-Selection, and Self-Service instruments.
Special requests are welcome.

Services & BioSci Tool Library

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BioSci Thrift Store

This page... which is a 'work in progress'... is intended to help convert "useless stuff" to "functional stuff", by moving it from where it is not needed to where it is needed. Some items are simply free for the asking; others require a suitable trade... and a few are simply things that were left in the Genomics Core by mistake (a.k.a., "found").

BioSci Thrift Store

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