DNA image narrow


Additional Links for Genomics


• Software for DNA Analysis

• Quantitative and Real-time PCR

• Technical Information, Apps, and Training

Software for DNA Analysis

  • Client Workstation PC – Remote access to genomics software
  • NCBI – National Center for Biotechnology Information
  • BioEdit – full-featured program, including alignments
  • Chromas LITE – review ABI sequence files
  • Codehop – excellent for degenerate primer design
  • DNA Duster – strips non-DNA characters
  • IDT’s Suite of Online SciTools
  • MultiPipMaker – alignment tool for <2 Mb per sequence
  • Primer3 – primer design
  • RepeatMasker – masking tool for repetitive elements in DNA sequences
  • QuantStudio-6 qPCR, v1.3 – freeware (PC), analyze *.eds files — Warning: v1.7 is not compatible with our qPCR platforms.
  • Sequence Scanner v2.0 by ABI – freeware (PC), analyze your ABI sequence data, access raw data (including signal intensity), generate reports to trouble-shoot sequencing problems, and more!
  • Connect – Free Cloud applications by ThermoFisher for analyzing genetic data.
  • Real-Time PCR and Digital PCR Support Centers - freeware and other support.
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    Quantitative and Real-time PCR

  • Optical Adhesive Sealing Technique: Although the voice-over states between each well and along outside edges, note the demonstrator does not go "between each well" (which can disrupt well seals).
  • Protein Thermal Shift (PTS) (online user guide)
  • Real-time PCR Handbook 2.0 (2024; periodically updated)
  • Real-Time PCR (qPCR) Learning Center (ThermoFisher)
  • Real-Time PCR Troubleshooting Tool (ThermoFisher)
  • How to design a solid qPCR study (vendor pdf, 2011)
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    Technical Information, Apps, and Training

  • Promega Calculators, Tools, & Technical Resources
  • ThermoFisher Instrument & Applications Training
  • ThermoFisher Lab Apps (tools)
  • New England Biolabs – tutorials, tech. information, and links
  • Vector Data (Promega)
  • Eppendorf webinars: such as...
    – Good Plastics, Bad Plastics... How Tubes, Plates and Pipette Tips Can Affect Your Experiments.
    – Photometry Made Easy! ... Obtaining Reliable Results with Nucleic Acid Measurements.
    – Preventing Contamination in Cell Culture Labs.
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