DNA image narrow


Services ... LSU Genomics Core

• Reservation-Required instruments

• Scientific Assistance

• Special Requests

• Local "Store" (buy | borrow | freebies)

• RNA & ssDNA purification

• dsDNA purification

• dsDNA Size-selection

• QC & Quantitation methods

• Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

• DNA Sequencing or Fragment Analysis

Reservation-Required instruments

  • All Reservation-Required instruments
  • Client PC Workstation (genomics software)
  • Smart Check (pipette verification & training)
  • ABI ViiA·7 and QuantStudio·6 (qPCR)
  • Veriti thermal cycler (standard PCR)
  • Qubit 4.0 (fluorometer)
  • Diagenode Bioruptor NGS (DNA shearing)
  • SPD1010 SpeedVac (sample reduction)
  • Typhoon 8600 Variable Mode Imager(phosphor screens)
  • Eppendorf Centrifuge 5810R (for 96-well plates)
  • Victor·3 Multilabel Counter (fluorescence, luminescence, visible)
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    Scientific Assistance

  • Consultations: troubleshooting & project development.
  • Training: molecular biology techniques & analyses.
  • Information: selected GC-website resources.
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    Special Requests

  • Reagents & Supplies: for unlisted supplies & reagents.
  • Services: for unlisted services
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    Your Local "Store"

  • Reagents & Supplies: in-stock items.
  • BioSci Thrift Store: free or discounted items; trades; housing.
  • BioSci Tool Loans: temporary borrowing privileges.
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    RNA & ssDNA purification

  • ProNex magnetic beads: (Promega – better than AMPure XP)
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    dsDNA purification

  • GC-Precipitation (standard EtOH-EDTA)
  • GC-Precipitation (optimized for residual primer removal)
  • ExoSAP-IT Express: (enzymatic primer [ssDNA] degradation)
  • Columns (Zymo: DNA Clean & Concentrator-5)
  • ProNex magnetic beads: (Promega – better than AMPure XP)
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    dsDNA Size-Selection

  • E-gel: 50-bp windows.
  • BluePippin: specific size ranges.
  • Select-a-Size columns (≥50, 100, 150, 200, or 300-bp)
  • ProNex magnetic beads: (Promega – better than AMPure XP)
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    QC & Quantitation methods

  • Agilent Bioanalyzer: quantitation & sizing of DNA, RNA & Protein.
  • Qubit 4.0: quantitation of DNA, RNA, & Protein; RNA integrity.
  • Illumina: QC for Illumina-based NGS libraries.
  • SmartCheck: QC pipettes, accuracy & precision [in progress]
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    Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

  • Overview – NGS Services
  • NGS Service Providers
  • In-House NGS (Ion Torrent S5)
  • In-House Services for NGS Libraries
  • Request Instrument Acquisition
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    DNA Sanger-Sequencing & Fragment Analysis

  • Overview – ABI 3130xl services
  • DNA Sanger-Sequencing: Service Levels
  • DNA Fragment Analysis: Service Levels
  • Sample submission & Turnaround times
  • Data Analysis
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