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Services – Consultations

Project Development

Are you feeling lost on how to chart a "path" for achieving the aims of your project? Especially for beginning graduate students, the plethora of molecular biology approaches can be intimidating to navigate. Let Scott help you understand their varying levels of effort, time and funding required as well as how they differ in terms of the information they can deliver.


Are you having difficulties with an assay or technique? Help is available here... due to Scott's extensive experience in troubleshooting techniques, broad background in molecular and field research, and dedication to designing better ways to achieve work goals.

Consutation process

  1. Start by reviewiing relevant information on our website — either for answers to your questions or to give you a better perspective on what questions to ask.
  2. Then, contact Scott. Often, you can drop by A628 and request assistance on the spot. However, you might want to email a description of the problem and ask for an appointment.

Our Guarantee

Reasonable efforts will be made to provide assistance; however, it is not the Core's responsibility to resolve your problems or to design your project. Further, while Scott can help with many things, he is not omniscient, nor is he 'all powerful'... so, there is no guarantee that you will leave the consultation feeling any wiser about how to resolve your situation. Nevertheless, even just verbalizing the problem(s) to another person can be helpful. Further, even if he lacks the knowledge personally, Scott can usually direct you to potentially useful resources.