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Suspension of Self-Service

• Suspension Notice

• General Considerations

• qPCR Samples

• Other Sample Types

• Typhoon 8600 exceptions

  • Mask Policy (Summer 2024): If you are feeling ill (e.g., Common cold, Flu, Covid-19), please wear a mask if planning to be in the Core for more than a few minutes. A mask is not needed if you are simply depositing your samples in the A628 Mini-fridge (by sink).
  • Exceptions?: If the protocols noted below are not sufficient for your needs, use the "Contact Us" link to request an exception.

  • Suspension Notice

    – Revised 13 February 2025.

  • Due to a dearth of service Agreements to cover instrument repairs,
    only Core staff may operate any of the instruments in the Core.
  • Thus, all samples for Biosci-Booked (Genomics) requests will be processed by staff as described below.
  • General Considerations

    – Revised 23 May 2024.

  • Samples will be processed by Scott Herke (see exceptions below for the Typhoon 8600).
  • Reservations are required; if you do not have access to Biosci-Booked (Genomics), please see notes at right regarding how to acquire registration.
  • Samples might be processed later than specified in the reservation; if this is an issue for you, please consult with Scott ahead of time.
  • For time-sensitive samples, ensure that Scott will be able to process them within the required time-frame before you prepare the samples for submittal.

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    qPCR Samples

    – Revised 28 June 2024.

  • Rules & Cautions (details at QuantStudio 6):
    – Choice of qPCR plates (0.2-ml only) and seals;
    Cradle-to-Grave plate protection;
    – Cold-Reaction Setup; and,
    – Applying Optical Adhesive Seals.

  • Create or analyze qPCR run files: Download v1.3 of QuantStudio-6 qPCR freeware (Windows only; no Mac version). [Warning: v1.7 is not compatible with our qPCR platforms.]
    – Upon first use of software, click 'Tools', 'Preferences', & 'Default'; select default instrument and 96-well standard block... and click 'Ok'.
    – On the 'Default' tab, you can also click the box for 'Show optical filters for run method'; this will add a second tab ('Optical Filters') to the Run Method screen under Experiment Setup. However, in most cases, you should not change the filters that are selected by default for your experiment type as doing so will limit your ability to correct Setup errors following completion of the run.
  • Biosci-Booked (Genomics): Reserve a time-slot sufficient to complete your assay; if total run time is unknown, reserve a 2-hr block.
  • Run File:
    – Setup Page: On the Experiment Properties tab (see example), the Experiment Name must be different from your prior runs and should end with your Name & your PI's Name.
    – Email your QuantStudio-6 Run file (*.eds) to the Genomics Core. [Note: Do not email the file to Scott's LSU account; your file is likely to become 'buried' and 'lost' if you do!]
  • Plate Identification: At a minimum, write the Date, your Name & your PI's Name (e.g., "20Feb2024_Percy-Jackson_Chiron"):
    – directly on the Plate itself (not just the "covering"); and,
    – at the end of your File Name (*.eds).
  • Plate Submittal: your samples...
    must be put in the Mini-fridge (next to sink) in the Genomics Core (Rm. A628, Life Science Annex); if concerned about potential photo-bleaching through the glass door, wrap your samples in foil. (If the Core is locked, put samples in the plastic "After-Hours" GC drop-box located in the adjacent Cold Room, Rm. A650).
    must be submitted either in a Splash-Free qPCR rack or wrapped in a clean Kimwipe (& wrapped in foil or inserted into a ZipLock bag).
    should be vortexed before submittal to eliminate optical anomalies from inadequate mixing (as recommended by our qPCR Field Application Specialist at ThermoFisher).
  • Core Protocol: in accordance with the General Considerations noted above, qPCR plates are:
    – centrifuged (2500 rcf, 1 min) immediately prior to the run; and,
    – handled as requested with any instructions included in your submission (i.e., emailed *.eds run file or with the plate itself).
  • Data/files will be returned by email.
  • Plate Retrieval: Completed plates/racks will be placed in the Cold Room (A650) next to the Core; after you receive your data, please retrieve your plates/racks as soon as possible. After 3 business days, plates/racks will be considered abandoned.

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    Other Sample types

    – Revised 23 May 2024.

  • For the appropriate instrument, reserve a time-slot sufficient to complete your assay.
  • Label samples in accordance with the specific Service requested. At a minimum, the identity of each sample should be unambiguous and the plate or rack should be tagged with the Submission Number and your Name; in general, instructions for labeling DNA sequencing samples (see How to submit samples to Genomics Core?) will be applicable to most service requests.
  • Put samples in the Mini-fridge (by sink) in the Genomics Core (A628 Life Science Annex). For tubes, either transfer them to a Genomics Core rack or submit them in a rack that is clearly disposable (trash or recycle) – do not leave your own re-usable rack or box.
  • Sample Information: Provide whatever information is needed to process your samples. Either a note with the samples or an email (Genomics Core) is suitable.
  • Data/files will be returned by email; when necessary, samples will be returned through the same mini-fridge noted above.

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    Typhoon 8600 exceptions

    – Revised 13 February 2025.

  • For access to the Typhoon 8600, please use the "Contact Us" link above to submit a brief description of your research needs.
  • If it is not practical to hand over your samples for processing, you will be allowed to process your own samples – provided you agree to wear a mask and to avoid handling anything else in the Core.
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